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  • 个人简介
  • 主要课程
  • 主要成果
  • 【学习经历】
    2020/12-至今,   太阳集团城官网,信息与计算机学院,教授 硕导
    2015/12-2020/12, 太阳集团城官网,信息与计算机学院,副教授 硕导
    2015/09-2019/09, 山西医科大学第一医院,博士后
    2018/04-2018/10, 京都大学,脑影像中心,访问学者
    2014/04-2015/10,  太阳集团城官网,计算机科学与技术学院,讲师
    2013/10-2014/03,  岡山大学(日本),研究员
  • 本科生课程:C语言程序设计,大学计算机基础、Python语言程序设计等
  • 【项目】
    【5】山西省基础研究计划项目一般青年基金项目,基于局部信息的抑郁症静息态功能脑网络仿真建模分析, 3 万元, 2016/01-2018/12,结题,第二参与人。
    【8】太阳集团城官网青年基金,注意调节视觉皮层信息加工的神经机制研究, 1 万元,2015年1月-2016年12月,结题,主持
    【9】太阳集团城官网科研启动基金,基于群感受野视觉皮层信息处理的脑机制研究, 20万元,2014年1月,结题,主持
    Wang, B., et al., Hemisphere and Gender Differences in the Rich-Club Organization of Structural Networks. Cerebral Cortex, 2019.(一区)
    2. Zhao, S., G. Wang, T. Yan, J. Xiang, X. Yu, H. Li, and B. Wang*, Sex Differences in Anatomical Rich-Club and Structural-Functional Coupling in the Human Brain Network. Cerebral Cortex, 2020. (一区).
    3. Wang, B., et al., Dynamic reconfiguration of functional brain networks supporting response inhibition in a stop-signal task. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2020. (二区)
    4. Wang, B., et al., Rich-Club Analysis in Adults With ADHD Connectomes Reveals an Abnormal Structural Core Network. Journal of Attention Disorders, 2019: p. 1087054719883031. (二区)
    5. Wang, B., et al., Increased Functional Brain Network Efficiency During Audiovisual Temporal Asynchrony Integration Task in Aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2018. 10(316). (二区)
    6. Wang, B., et al., Differences in neural responses to ipsilateral stimuli in wide-view fields between face- and house-selective areas. PLOS ONE, 2018. 13(2): p. e0192532. (二区)
    7. Wang, B., et al., The Abnormality of Topological Asymmetry in Hemispheric Brain Anatomical Networks in Bipolar Disorder. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018. 12(618): p. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00618. (二区)
    8. Wang, B., et al., Abnormal Functional Brain Networks in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Minimum Spanning Tree Analysis. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2018. 65(4): p. 1051-1065. (二区)
    9. Wang, B., et al., Decreased Complexity in Alzheimer's Disease: Resting-State fMRI Evidence of Brain Entropy Mapping. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2017. 9(378). (二区)
    10. Wang, B., et al., Retinotopy and attention to the face and house images in the human visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research, 2016. 234(6): p. 1623-1635.(三区)
    11. Wang, B., et al., Eccentricity Effects on the Efficiency of Attentional Networks: Evidence From a Modified Attention Network Test. Perception, 2016.
    12. Wang, B., et al., Neural Responses to Central and Peripheral Objects in the Lateral Occipital Cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2016. 10(54). (三区)
    13. Sun, J.#, B. Wang#, Y. Niu, Y. Tan, C. Fan, N. Zhang, J. Xue, J. Wei, and J. Xiang, Complexity Analysis of EEG, MEG, and fMRI in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer‘s Disease: A Review. Entropy, 2020. 22(2). (三区)
    14. Li, T.#, B. Wang#, Y. Gao, X. Wang, T. Liu, D. Chen, B. Fang, Y. Xie, S. Funahashi, T. Yan, and N. Alzheimer‘s Dis, APOE epsilon 4 and cognitive reserve effects on the functional network in the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2020. (二区)
    15. Hussain, W.#, B. Wang#, Y. Niu, Y. Gao, X. Wang, J. Sun, Q. Zhan, R. Cao, Z. Mengni, M.S. Iqbal, and J. Xiang, Epileptic Seizure Detection With Permutation Fuzzy Entropy Using Robust Machine Learning Techniques. Ieee Access, 2019. 7: p. 182238-182258. (二区)
    16. Niu, Y.#, B. Wang#, M. Zhou, J. Xue, H. Shapour, and J. Xiang, Dynamic Complexity of Spontaneous BOLD Activity in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Multiscale Entropy Analysis. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018. 12(677). (二区)
    17. Ding, C., J. Xiang, X. Cui, X. Wang, D. Li, C. Cheng, and B. Wang*, Abnormal Dynamic Community Structure of Patients with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Resting State. Journal of Attention Disorders, 2020: p. 1087054720959712. (二区)
    18. Li, D., J. Xiang, and B. Wang*, Disrupted Rich Club Organization of Hemispheric White Matter Networks in Bipolar Disorder. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2020. 14. (三区)
    19. Li, D., W. Tang, T. Yan, N. Zhang, J. Xiang, Y. Niu, and B. Wang*, Abnormalities in hemispheric lateralization of intra- and inter-hemispheric white matter connections in schizophrenia. Brain Imaging Behav,  2020. (二区)
    20. Xiang, J., X. Wang, Y. Gao, T. Li, R. Cao, T. Yan, Y. Ma, Y. Niu, J. Xue, and B. Wang*, Phosphodiesterase 4D Gene Modifies the Functional Network of Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease. Frontiers in Genetics, 2020. 11. (二区)
    21. Xiang, J., J. Xue, H. Guo, D. Li, T. Yan, R. Cao, Y. Ma, Y. Yang, and B. Wang*, Graph-based network analysis of resting-state fMRI: test-retest reliability of binarized and weighted networks. Brain imaging and behavior, 2020. 14(5): p. 1361-1372. (二区)
    22. Li, D., T. Li, Y. Niu, J. Xiang, R. Cao, B. Liu, H. Zhang, and B. Wang*, Reduced hemispheric asymmetry of brain anatomical networks in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Brain Imaging Behav, 2019. 13(3): p. 669-684. (二区)
    23. Li, D., X. Cui, T. Yan, B. Liu, H. Zhang, J. Xiang, and B. Wang*, Abnormal Rich Club Organization in Hemispheric White Matter Networks of ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 2019: p. 1087054719892887. (二区)
    24. Xiang, J., C. Tian, Y. Niu, D. Li, R. Cao, H. Guo, S. Tan, and B. Wang*, Abnormal Entropy Modulation of the EEG Signal in Patients With Schizophrenia During the Auditory Paired-Stimulus Paradigm. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2019. 13(4). (三区)
    25 王工书,任尊晓,李丹丹,相洁,王彬*. 脑激活任务区分度的分析及应用研究. 计算机工程与应用. 2020. 21  p272-278